The advantages of this technique are full field, both static and dynamic measurements, automatic data processing. 采用计算机辅助测试技术使接触应力测量具有全场、静动态测试、高度数据自动化等优点。
This system is full automatic processing for data of classification management. 本系统是对森林分类经营信息的全自动管理,实现了从基础数据的输入、校对、档案管理、统计、计算打印查询、按地点查询、按存档号查询和关键字查询等体形式。
Polystyrene concrete thermal insulation block forming machine and the full automatic processing line were successfully researched and manufactured by Xi'an Yin Ma Industry Development Co. 西安银马实业发展有限公司依据聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料颗粒(EPS)混凝土的特点,研制成功聚苯混凝土保温砌模砌块成型机及全自动生产线。
Considering the future battle field is full of mang targets, the artillery needs a automatic target processing system. 考虑到未来战场将充斥着大量目标,炮兵要求使用一种自动目标处理系统。
Research and manufacture of polystyrene concrete thermal insulation block forming machine and the full automatic processing line 聚苯混凝土保温砌模砌块成型机及全自动生产线的研制
The ideal machine translation system should be full automatic batch processing system with high quality. At the recent development level of computerized linguistics, the computer can not solve thoroughly the intricate complex phenomenon of natural language, to reach the full automatic translation with high quality. 理想的机器翻译系统应该是全自动高质量的批处理式系统,在目前的计算语言学发展水平下,计算机还无法彻底解决自然语言的错综复杂现象,达到全自动高质量的翻译。
In the aspect of function and interface design, the system attains full automatic batch processing, so it provides great convenience for the next step-flower identification. 在功能设计与界面设计方面,系统实现了全自动的批量抠图,为下一步的花卉种类识别工作提供了很大方便。